Katie! |
Hey everybody, how's the weather in Utah?? 
Anyhoo, it's been an awesome week. We found a family to teach which is GREAT. They're names are Carolina, George, and Daniel and we're pumped. We put Dejah on date to be baptized on March 17th! She didn't come to church like she said she would, but we're still optimistic that she'll make the right choice. She's fantastic. Sister Nay got a stomach sick kind of thing on Friday but it wasn't the flu so we stayed home that day. On Saturday we had a young woman come from LaCrescenta to be with us for most of the day and she was so nice. She bought everyone pizza. She is so pumped to be a missionary and she was so great at it! Her name is Katie, she gave a book of mormon to a pastor and she was pulling out scriptures in our lesson with Steven and I think I learned more from her than she did from us. That's all I've got for the week, sorry it's so short, but enjoy the pictures!
Katie part  |
comp date at the Chevy dealership getting our blinker fixed. (I could've done it in the driveway, but I guess that's okay....) |
Sister Nay ate Elote for the first time! (Aka best street mexican food ever) |
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