Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 22 - Training and Driving!

Sister Allen and I right before we left to transfer!

This week has been pretty great! I picked up Sister Nay on Wednesday! She's from Honeyville Utah and she's amazing! She's got a ton of passion for the work, but the only bummer is that she might have broken her foot on Thursday so we were inside keeping it elevated for most of the weekend. We're going to the doctor tomorrow. But on a completely different note, I'm driving now! I haven't driven since September, but I still drive like I'm 97 so it's pretty cool. I missed driving! All is well, Sister Nay says she's fine so I guess we'll just have to see about that tomorrow though. 

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

Sister Dorrance
Sister Nay on a wheelchair at target

Plan of Salvation in front of the church

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Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...