Sister Smith and me eating cookies we made |
I'm not super stoked about writing a whole email, so I'll just tell you about Kimberly who saw an ad for a free bible on the computer and then requested it and we went over and taught her and she's so cool and she wants to be baptized in three weeks. SHE IS AWESOME. We also had a super stellar Halloween party this Saturday and sister Smith and I went as each other. That's about as crazy as we could get. But it was rad. Also, we played truth or dare with some 11 year olds and I dared sister Smith to do 7 cartwheels. She was wearing a skirt (like your typical sister missionary) but according to Zoe "it's okay because she was wearing white shorts underneath!" .... oops
anyway, this week was mega great. We had a lady just walk into church on Sunday and then a member invited her friend. ALWAYS INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO CHURCH. EVERYBODY NEEDS THE GOSPEL BECAUSE IT'S THE COOLEST.
Don't forget to read your scriptures!
Sister Dorrance
Sister Smith and me at the Halloween party with some scarecrows |
Sister Smith and me eating wings |
Sister Smith and me and the Hermanas judging the chili |
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