Sister Smith |
Guys, this week has been wild. I got transferred! I think I talked about that last week, but my companion is Sister Smith! We were in the mtc together and it's just the greatest. She's so cool. Plus, the Woodside ward is true promised land I swear. We have met so many amazing people and seen MIRACLES. Working hard brings so many blessings! On Tuesday we had a zone meeting and sister Smith and I talked about how important it is for us to stop teaching people that aren't actually interested in learning about the gospel. (I guess some things aren't common sense to people???) So that was cool. Either on Tuesday or Wednesday we went to go and visit this guy named David. Now David is one of the coolest cats. He's been coming to church and meeting with missionaries for more than six months and we invited him to be baptized on Sunday. As in yesterday. So he said he needed to pray about it and we went back the next day and he said, " guys, I asked God to help know that I needed to get baptized and then our plumbing broke and a bunch of appliances broke and my mom had to go to the hospital last night. And we were like, " 🤤" and then the spirit was like, " he can still get baptized" so we said, " David, do you think that maybe God let those things happen to show you that you really need to get baptized to show your faith?" And he was like, " 🤤, thats pretty cool, I hadn't thought of that. I'm gonna get baptized on Sunday." BUT THEN SOMETHING DUMB HAPPENED. His cousin who lives in northern California TALKED HIM OUT OF MAKING COVENANTS WITH GOD so that she could come. So that was sad. Because now he's going to wait until after thanksgiving. But he's still going to get baptized. Eventually.
But before we found out that he wasn't actually going to get baptized on Sunday, we cleaned the whole font with bleach because he had gotten surgery a little while ago and he was totally healed but he didn't want to get into a gross font so we cleaned it. Because the church is true.
So we continued on and it was fine even though it's sad. But other miracles happened! On Friday every single thing fell through. But it was so cool. We were visiting some strangers, like we do, and we talked to the coolest cats on the street. Her name is Yajaira (yuh-hi-ra) and she's so awesome. We started talking to her about the good word and she was like, " this is so cool because I was praying for a way to get closer to God and I want to meet with you guys." And sister Smith and I went, " 🤤 " and it was magical. She's the coolest.
On Saturday we did service! There's a ranch right next to the church in West Covina and our bishop volunteered our whole zone! It was their harvest festival and it was great! Sister Smith and I were in charge of the water pumping/doing laundry on a washboard station and it was a party. I got pretty sunburned but they fed us lunch. So it was worth it. Missions are the coolest.
Don't forget to read your scriptures!
Sister Dorrance
Various pictures of us cleaning the font and hanging out at a ranch in pants!