Thursday, August 2, 2018

Week 46 - The one with 25 bug bites๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

This week was busy! On Tuesday we packed up all our junk and sister Swapp and I said goodbye which was super sad, but we'll see each other tomorrow at MLC so all is well! My new companion sister Kang (pronounced Kong) came and we all went to our new apartment in Los Angeles! Sister Kang is from south Korea originally but lives in nova Scotia now. We live right across the street from Forest Lawn where Michel Jackson is buried, so I guess you could say we're livin fancy. We had a lesson on Tuesday with a lady named Maria who's super cute and she wants her sons to stop fighting with each other so she invited us back! Her son Lloyd is 11 and he was STOKED about the Book of Mormon. It was the greatest. We're passing them off to the family ward elders, but it was so fun to talk with them, and we had a fantastic lesson with them too! On Wednesday we picked up Sister Vanson! She's from Alberta Canada! I'm gonna pick up an accent and start calling the bathroom the washroom, just you wait. It's a party and a half though. By Thursday I somehow managed to get 25 bug bites and I'm not sure where we went, but it was a pretty itchy situation. (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This week was pretty busy with getting people and things settled in and all of us figuring out how to do stuff but it was good. We had some solid lessons with Alisa this week and we got her a dress so she could come to church and that was so cool. She was so excited to come to church! She got all ready to go and was in her car on her way here and the plastic thing under her car broke and she couldn't come. It was SO sad. We're going to have to move her date back, but it's going to happen for sure. She wants to be baptized so badly! 

We put Davi on date for baptism! She's been coming to church all on her own for a couple of months and just recently decided that she wanted to be baptized so she could go to the ward temple trip and do baptisms for the dead in October! She's so awesome, and she's so excited and ready to officially become a member of the church. It's the greatest thing! 

We finally were able to set an appointment with Manuel! He wants to get baptized, but his work got super duper busy and he's been coming to church every week but he lives kinda far away and we just haven't been able to meet with him but we set another appointment with him! It's gonna be great! Out appointments on my birthday too so happy birthday to me! Haha

This week was really good though and our trio is so fun and this transfers gonna be a blast ๐Ÿ˜

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

Sister D'orrance

Here's the best picture we got this week! #thathighlightthough #itsactuallysweat #humidityisnoonesfriend 

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Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...