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we were up at the very tippy top of a big hill and it was really pretty so we took pictures. |
This week was pretty crazy. A lot of pretty rough stuff happened, but all is well because we found some people that want to hear the gospel!
On Tuesday we got all moved into our new apartment in Hacienda Heights! We couldn't really do much because our area book was all messed up (so we thought) and we didn't have the phone for the area until later in the afternoon. So we got all unpacked and it was great. Then we kept trying to fix our area book which we thought was a glitch or something because the people in the app hadn't been taught in almost a year or something so we called the previous elders to check and..... nope. They hadn't put a single person or event in area book since they had been there. So we had nothing. They didn't leave a note or anything. They have two people on date for baptism (Yay! Covenants!) But didn't think it was necessary to let us know they existed. But we've met them now so that's great! We're doing swell! We found this guy named Sergio on Tuesday and he's super interested so we're making progress! AND he's met with missionaries before and been to church and we are so pumped. Then Wednesday hit.
And Wednesday was a struggle. We had to bike for maybe 4 miles or so over some hills to get to a McDonald's to meet with one of the elders that was here so we could get some information out of him about people and not only did we set off the fire alarm on our way out, but it started pouring buckets of rain on us on our way home. So we got home and then immediately had to go to an appointment with Sergio. He's so cool. Then we stayed inside until our dinner appointment. Then things got real crazy. We were biking to our dinner appointment and we were turning onto her street and bless her heart Sister Bullock totally face planted into the asphalt and we ended up sitting on the sidewalk while she bled from her forehead and no one would answer the phone so we ended up calling Sister Wells (mission president's wife) and she got the stake relief society President to come and take us to urgent care. On the upside they took us to Five Guys after!
The rest of the week was a lot of door knocking and a lot of friendly rejection and then yesterday we had church! I love church. We met so many people and the ward is super duper nice and they haven't had sisters in years so lots of them were really excited to see us and it was great! We also had dinner at a members home last night and they feed at least 2 or 3 sets of missionaries every Sunday evening. It's the best! They're so cool. We also knocked a whole block yesterday and found 2 new investigators! One of them is sorta iffy on whether or not she's a mega flake or not but the other one is named Wendy and she's so great! I love answering peoples deep life questions on the door step. It's the greatest.
Anyway, this week has been super duper crazy and I hope you've enjoyed hearing bout it!
Don't forget to read your scriptures!
-Sister Dorrance