Monday, July 23, 2018

Week 45 - Picture Emails!

This week we've got a lot of pictures. Sister Swapp is getting transferred ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ but I get two new companions! Sister Kang (pronounced Kong apparently) and one from the MTC! Ill report back on her name next week! They're putting elders into our pad, so we've been packing and cleaning all day. 

This week was really good though!

There's lots of pictures. The one with the bread is hermana Mejia and I with Tim! He runs the food pantry that we volunteer at once a week and it's so fun! 

One of them is Los Angeles. The air quality is terrible but the sunsets are fantastic. Side note: my new pad is going to be in L.A. so I'm actually going to be able to say I lived there. 

Lots of thumbs ups because how could you have a thumbs down when you're working in the Lord's vineyard???? I also don't know what else to do with my hands in pictures. 

One of them is a selfie in front of our church building 

One of them is a selfie with a couple of members from g7. We made Smores on their porch which I'm not sure if that's allowed in their apartment, but we did it. 

One of them is with Jocelyn! She's a member and we meet with her and she shows us her awesome piano skills. 

One of them is when a member took us to dinner and took pictures and sent them to us. Sorta... ðŸ˜‚😂

There's also one with the member that took us to dinner! #koreanbbqisthebestbbq

This week was so awesome though. One of our investigators almost died, but she didn't and that's great, Perla wants to get baptized, we met this guy named Osman who's super into following Jesus and that's super awesome, and it's been great.

Don't forget to read your scriptures! 

- Sister Dorrance 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 44 - The one with lots of pictures!

Alright kiddos. There was a few things that happened that were pretty cool this week. We're going to make a photo email of sorts! 

We had zone conference! There's sister Swapp and I teaching at zone conference! There's our whole zone! WE ARE THE ONLY SISTERS. #loners. Zone conference was a party and they had good food though!

Free slurpees!! Happy 7/11!!

We were street contacting with a member and they let us hold puppies!!! (Member or personal photographer?? You'll never know....)

Other notable things that happened this week! 

Manuel, one of the wonderful people we're teaching brought a friend to church! He turned out to be a member that hasn't been to church in a hot minute and it was a great time. 

Sister Swapp and i sang a song at a YSA missionary fireside on Sunday! My knees were shaking and I'm not sure how great it was, but it happened and the spirit was there! 

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

Sister Dorrance

Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 43 - The week where it got to 120 degrees 😲

This week was slow. It was also really hot. 

Some highlights!

Alisa decided she wants to quit smoking because cigarettes are too expensive! We haven't even taught the word of wisdom! 

Manuel decided he would like to share his testimony in sacrament meeting. He's not even baptized. How exciting!

And a member brought three friends to church on Sunday to hear him speak. I think we all need to get on his level of member missionary work. They're so cool too!

And it was also really hot on Friday. It hit 120 and sister Swapp and I talked to this lady named Elizabeth about her belief in Aliens and I think the heat kind of affected everyone. 

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

- Sister Dorrance 

Pictures we took waiting outside for Elizabeth to go get her friend. Neither of them ever came back out of the house. The house probably had air conditioning...... 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 42 - The one with all the beautiful blessings!

 There's a guy in one of our wards that told us he owns a recycling plant as a joke so they've been saving all of their water bottles to give him for his birthday! 

This week was insane. I don't know how to even start. Well first off, WE PUT MANUEL ON DATE. I have never before seen a miracle like Manuel. He met missionaries a year and a half ago and they told him about our ward so he just decided to show up last Sunday because he felt like he was missing something. He stayed for the linger longer, he was talking with people, and honestly we thought he was a member because so many people go in and out of our wards. But he isn't! YOU CAN NEVER ASSUME. So we set up an appointment with him on Wednesday and it was such a good lesson. We taught him the whole restoration and he just ate it up he was so excited. He accepted a baptism invitation and he's gonna get baptized ðŸ˜„😄😄😄😄 he says that he was feeling like something was missing and that he prayed and he knows that the church is true and that he needs to be baptized. Seriously the greatest miracle. It was a crazy crazy week. We talked to this girl named Marselene who had just come from Florida. She had decided that her job was not what she wanted anymore so she took everything that she owned and moved to California in her car. She has no job lined up, and no apartment lined up and she's just going on faith and living in air bnbs. She's seriously the coolest person. We have another appointment this week! 

Let's see...... oh. We hadn't found anybody to teach by Sunday and we were a little bummed because we had been talking to a ton of people all week and just none of them wanted us to come back. It was so sad! So we really felt that there were three people in our area that we really needed to share the gospel with on Sunday and so we went to church and I kid you not, by the end of church we had three new people to teach that genuinely wanted to know about the gospel. We had set up a return appointment with someone we had met during the week, someone who had been coming to church every week for months has finally decided to get baptized, and a member brought her friend who is very interested in the gospel! IT WAS A COMPLETE MIRACLE AND NO ONE CAN TRY AND TELL ME THAT ALL OF THESE THINGS HAPPENING WAS NOT DIVINE. God is so good. He's the absolute goodest. 

We had a zone activity today! Fun fact, Sister Swapp and I are the only sisters in the entire zone. So its a little weird, but it's a party! We had a couple of the housing inspectors take us to this pizza place called big mamas and papas pizza and they got this MASSIVE pizza. It was beautiful. Sister Swapp and i got our own pizza because we can't eat bread, but it was some dang good pizza. It was a good time! I might have to send pictures of that next week because I don't have them. 

Don't forget to read your scriptures! 

- Sister Dorrance 
Sister Swapp got her very first ticket this week!

It's just pretty. Don't ya think??

It was also sister Swapps birthday this week so I made her wear a tiara while we volunteered at a food pantry!

this sign was on someone's doorstep and I just thought it was really funny ðŸ˜‚

We did studies at a park this week and it was beautiful!

Two different people made our salads.... My guy was new... ðŸ˜‚😂😂

Last weekly email probably 😮

Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...