Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 44 - The one with lots of pictures!

Alright kiddos. There was a few things that happened that were pretty cool this week. We're going to make a photo email of sorts! 

We had zone conference! There's sister Swapp and I teaching at zone conference! There's our whole zone! WE ARE THE ONLY SISTERS. #loners. Zone conference was a party and they had good food though!

Free slurpees!! Happy 7/11!!

We were street contacting with a member and they let us hold puppies!!! (Member or personal photographer?? You'll never know....)

Other notable things that happened this week! 

Manuel, one of the wonderful people we're teaching brought a friend to church! He turned out to be a member that hasn't been to church in a hot minute and it was a great time. 

Sister Swapp and i sang a song at a YSA missionary fireside on Sunday! My knees were shaking and I'm not sure how great it was, but it happened and the spirit was there! 

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

Sister Dorrance

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