Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 33 - The one where transfers happened

we were on top of a freeway walking ram thing and we realized we sucked at taking pictures to send home

This week was great! There was this lady that walked into the church two weeks ago and asked some elders from the other ward if she could get some help from the Mormon missionaries moving some stuff from a storage shed so we helped her move a whole bunch of furniture and boxes and it was a good time! 

Transfers! Sister Bullock and I are staying in Hacienda Heights first ward! We are moving apartments though so we have to pack. I didn't have to pack for 6 months straight and now I have to do it two transfers in a row. But I get to stay here which is great! This ward is sweet! Other than moving stuff, this week was pretty standard! We knocked some doors, we talked to some strangers, we biked some hills, it was a good time! 

Oh, Sister Bullock and I spoke in sacrament meeting! We were the only two speakers so I had to give a big kid talk. It was even longer than my farewell talk so we broke some new ground on Sunday and it was pretty crazy. I talked on Elder Massimo De Feo's talk called Pure Love: the true sign of every true disciple of Jesus Christ and it is a really fantastic talk, so if you get a minute you should definitely give it a listen/read.

We went to Korean barbecue today which I hadn't ever had but it was really good and I figured that was important to put into my email to everyone.

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

- Sister Dorrance

there was a sketchy chair so we had to sit in it

Korean barbecue! Sister Gibb goes home this week so we had to celebrate!

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Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...