Monday, January 29, 2018

Week 20 - Exchanges and a visitors center trip!

(Huntington Library pictures from last week)

archway in Chinese gardens. #asthetic. 

This week went by so fast. It was totally crazy. We went to the visitors center with Steven on Friday which was the coolest! He's so prepared for baptism it's  insane and he was asking a ton of questions about the temple and stuff and it was so cool because you could just feel how much Jesus Christ loves him in that visitors center. He's getting baptized on Saturday! It'll be such an amazing experience and I just can't wait. I'm not even nearly as excited as he is though which is also stellar. 

We met a guy named Jeffrey earlier this week and he is so funny. He's this older man with no front teeth, and he was just plastered so he was laughing at everything. He said he was going to come and visit us at church, but he didn't show up. He told sister Allen and I that we were like two angels and that he felt like he was dreaming and then he would throw his head back and open his toothless mouth really wide and laugh and laugh and laugh and stop his feet and clap his hands. It was so funny. He said that everyone needed to listen to what other people had to say to cure stupidity, so he would love to hear our message! It was great. 

Today we are having a nerf war with our district and it's super fun so this email is going to be short.

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

-Sister Dorrance
Brother Tafua( ward mission leader), Sister Tafua, Steven, home girl, Sister Allen

comp goals, awkward missionary gap, Steven 
More from Huntington Library
everyone in front of fountain

fountain pic

companion feat. Sister Lavetter

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