Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Last weekly email probably 😮

Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single most important message that could ever be talked about and it's been more amazing  than I could write down in an email. I've seen people accept the gospel and I've seen people reject it even though they know it's true. I've seen miracles and I've seen disasters. I've been let in and I've been yelled at, I've biked, I've driven, I've walked and I've ran to tell people about this gospel and in spite of the let downs, the disappointments and the discouragement, the gospel is still true. In spite of those that swore, that slammed the door and shooed us away, Faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost , and enduring to the end are still the only way back to our loving Heavenly Father to enjoy exaltation and Eternal Life. His Gospel is true kids. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the right church. It was right when Joseph Smith prayed about it in the Sacred Grove and it's still true today. I can't say it enough that God is our Loving Heavenly Father. There is not a single thing in the entire world that is more true than these three facts:
1. We Have a Father in Heaven who knows us, who hears our prayers and wants us to be with him and happy. 
2. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth to perform the Infinite Atonement and who still lives and loves us today. 
3. That same Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Holy Ghost and we can receive revelation now and forever. 

Don't forget these things when God seems far away. There is always a way back and we can always be happy. Even if it seems crazy. 

The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Don't forget to read that wonderful and darn near magical book. It'll change your whole life in the exact moment you let it and it can be the anchor of your testimony in a world that tells us we're wrong. Let God into your life and feel the Holy Ghost sanctify you and change you. 

This has been a fantastic year and a half and I'm excited to keep growing my testimony! 

2 Timothy 4:7 

" I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"

"I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday."

Don't forget to read your scriptures! 

Sister Dorrance 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Week 72-73 Pictures!

Practicing for a musical number because sister Colvin is a magnificent pianist


Just trying to fit in

Potty break at the church

You can't see the water dripping from the bottom of our clothes because it started pouring rain as we were biking home yesterday!

We got stranded at in n out because it was raining too hard for us to bike and no members would pick up 😂 we talked to some people though! Our bikes almost got stolen, but we got to them before they could get em!

Comp Goals

Bruno. The Rodriguez's dog

Hour 3 at In n Out

This is faith. We met her on the street and she's our friend!

Gotta get that Selfie!

Lookin fly.

Cute dog

"Sees couple kissing"

Rolling up to in n out.


Whole Zone at the Buddhist Temple

L.A. smog!

All the sisters of the Zone

Monday, January 21, 2019

Week 70-71 What a weekly!

Me standing in a rainy intersection for aesthetic 

This week was super rainy and great! We were pretty much drenched for three days straight but it's alright be cause we had this conversation:

Random guy named Michael: what are you doing walking around in this??

Us: the truth doesn't stop for the rain! (Or something else super missionary-like and weird)

Michael: are you jehovahs? 

Us: nah we're members of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints! Can we give you a little pamphlet?

Michael: sure, if you're out in this weather. Aren't you allowed to have umbrellas?

And we got to explain a little bit of the restoration to him and sister Colvin was holding a nice grapefruit the whole time. And that's about how missionary work goes! Blessins!


But this week was cool! We had a member drive us around for a few hours (🙏) on Wednesday and we ended up at young women because all the streets were flooded! We got to do yoga in skirts and learn about the word of wisdom! It was awesome! It was also helpful because they were trying to teach them about how bad sugar is for your body and sister Colvin and I said, " we're in the midst of a great war against sugar! Aka the 40 day sugar fast our whole mission is on. Sugar is bad for you! Even though it tastes good! Make good choices!" And they went, "shoot, that's dumb." But it was nice that we felt useful. 

We had a couple guys try to tell us what we believed this week. That didn't last long because we have THE ACTUAL AUTHORITY FROM GOD IN OUR CHURCH. One still tried to chase us down with his bible as we biked away. But it was an interesting testimony builder. It's nice to have your own testimony and not feel like you have to rip someone's else's faith apart to make yours stronger. #giftoftheholyghost 

But yes. This week was good and my butt isn't so sore from biking and we're talking to lots of strangers and sharing our testimonies a lot and it's just the best time even though some people say no! It's still true no matter what! 

Please pray that the people we're teaching will continue to progress in the gospel! 

Don't forget to read your scriptures!

Sister Dorrance 

Sister Smith and me and April a recent convert!

Sister Smith and me and our bishop!

Sister Colvin and me! 

Sister Colvin and I hid in the bathroom during weekly planning because Teresa has a heater in there and our apartment is FREEZING! 

 I fell onto the floor because I was sick of the rain

Sister Colvin and I did a face mask!

Sister Colvin and me with the member who drove us around on Wednesday!

Monday, January 7, 2019


Candid of me drinking hot chocolate at the end of a good day 

Hola! Here's some pictures because I'm lazy!

Transfers are this week and Sister Smith is getting transferred to Valley view in El monte and I'm staying here with Sister Colvin! Here's something wild though, WE'LL BE ON BIKES. So we'll see how it goes!
Sister Smith and I dressed up for Halloween a little late. 

Me, sister Smith, Bianca, and Zoe! Bianca is a recent convert and they're so cute! 

Two members who were taking the picture! 

Sister Smith and me and Freddy! Another recent convert who takes us to in-n-out every week and brings us soda every Sunday! 

Sister Smith and me because we're buds

The Rigby family! They have 9 children and it's a mad house. Not all pictured

Wright family and sister Gordon in the purple on the end! 

Sister Chamberlain watching me write this!

Candid of comp study

Last weekly email probably 😮

Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...