Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Week 62-63 -Hey team!

We put up a Christmas tree that sister Smith's Mom sent!

Hello!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was way fun! We went to a members house and they had this cool Hispanic twist to thanksgiving! It was a little weird, but another member gave us a bunch of leftovers later (which are actually the best part) so we're happy campers. Homemade cranberry sauce and everything. Its the coolest, ever. 

We are currently in a prank war with the hermanas we live with. It started with them freezing our bag of Skittles and a couple days ago we hid their mattresses. And then they wrapped everything on our desks in plastic wrap. Its so fun. 

On thanksgiving, nobody really wanted to have us come and teach them (super bizarre ðŸ¤” ) so we took cookies to members of the ward! We got caught almost every single time. Except when they weren't home. At one house, we knocked on the door and they must have been waiting for us or something because they opened the door within 5 seconds. It must've been super funny to see the two sister missionaries sprinting across your front lawn in skirts yelling, "RUN FASTER HE ANSWERED THE DOOR!!" We were just winded. We blame us running so slow on the wind drag from the skirts but I'm pretty sure it's because we have a full-time car and our ward really likes to feed us in-n-out. I ain't mad. 

This area is seriously the promised land though. There are so many miracles and wonderful things! Also, we got transfer calls and sister Smith and I get to stay together for another transfer! It's super exciting. We get to spend Christmas together! 

We're teaching some super fantastic people and great things are coming!!!! 

Don't forget to read your scriptures! 

Sister Dorrance 
here's a picture sister Chamberlain took when she was chasing me through the apartment.

We wrapped Hermana Chamberlain's mattress and put it in the shower! 

Plastic wrap! It's as close to holding a baby that I'm gonna get for a while!

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Holy smokes team. This is it. That's CRAZY. It's been a year and a half. A year and a half of bearing testimony of the single m...